Arithmetic exam set at DWS, the 11 plus - Page 3 1961
'A girl can stick on 2 labels every second. How many could 3 girls stick on in 15 minutes if they all work at the same rate'?That's my favourite question I think! Poor girls with all those labels.
Interesting to note how much stamps cost on this paper, with 3d being the most expensive. Three old pennies equates to about one new penny in 2018. The cost of a first class stamp currently is 65p.
- Uploaded by:Jennifer Hutcheson
- Approximate date of item:
From: 07 November 1961
To: -- - ---- - Location:Dolgellau
- County:Merioneth
- Creator:Unknown
- Owner:Unknown
- Themes:Addysgu a dysgu Profiadau disgyblion
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