Sue Crowther at Glyn Malden, Summer 1961
Sue Crowther, aged 10, at the end of her 2nd year at Glyn Malden, Summer Term 1961. The photograph is taken in the field by the playroom (the old stables and tack room), close to a derelict building that we called "the ballroom". This was the field where we built dens and traded in mud pies, which were decorated with rhododendron flowers and set out on small slabs of slate. Usually, we wore dungarees over our school uniform to play in the field.
- Uploaded by:Sue Crowther
- Approximate date of item:
From: -- June 1961
To: -- - ---- - Location:Dolgelley
- County:Merioneth
- Creator:Unknown
- Owner:Unknown
- Themes:Pupil experience
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